
ESCP will help the Consortium partners and AISEC Nederland to select best-suited business school students from its Paris, Berlin, Turin and Warsaw campuses to carry out practice (stage, internship) according to Reprex (in The Hague), Thunderboom (Amsterdam), ALOADED, (Stockholm), OOPUS (Tallinn), Sinus (Berlin), A38 (Budapest), GreenEyes (Budapest or Prague) or LNB (Vilnius).

AISEC Nederland will coordinate with national AISEC offices and help with student accommodation, potential visas and work permits.

Partners will offer ESCP business students-based merit-paid internships.

The selection criteria will be based on fit for the project goals and individual merit of the students, ensuring that students with diverse ethnic and gender backgrounds are taken on in the program.

The average duration of the placements will be ___ weeks (short, during studies) or 6_months?___ (long, after the studies.)

Please let us know if you are willing to take in interns

It is a strong selling point of our concept that our innovators, either social enterprises or startups are willing to take in talented students from our partner, ECSP (from Paris, Berlin, Turin or Warsaw.) The commitment is not universal: you ony take suitable intern(s).

  • Are you willing to take on at least one intern during the program?
  • Short practice (how short)
  • Longer term (six month)

Costs: the cost of a 6-month internship in The Hague is about 16,000 euros, potentially the same as Amsterdam and Stockholm, and we expect this to be significantly lower in Budapest, Prague, Tallinn, and Vilnius.