Dataweek²⁴: Introducing a new European music dataspace

Open Music Observatory


Daniel Antal introduced on the part 2 of Data Week 2024 and LAILEC the Open Music Observatory, the subjective take of the Open Music Europe consortium on creating a European data observatory with the help of a modern, federated, decentralised data-sharing space that is interoperable with various EU digital services and the data-driven CSRD compliance tool developed for the music and audiovisual industry.

Jun 5, 2024 —
Park Inn Radisson Leuven
Martelarenlaan 36, Leuven, 3010
Are you coming to the Dataweek²⁴? Let's catch up on the social dinner or on the sessions below. Questions? Let's [get in touch](!
Are you coming to the Dataweek²⁴? Let’s catch up on the social dinner or on the sessions below. Questions? Let’s get in touch!

Daniel Antal introduced on the part 2 of Data Week 2024 and LAILEC the Open Music Observatory, the subjective take of the Open Music Europe consortium on creating a European data observatory with the help of a modern, federated, decentralised data-sharing space that is interoperable with various EU digital services. The short presentation was held in the plenary session (16.00-18.00.)

At 14.00, in the Data-driven automated compliance session (Room Erasmus 3), Daniel spoke about the Sustainability and Innovation pillars of the music observatory in light of the complex compliance issues raised by the CSRD Directive and the difficult-to-access but favourable green financing and insurance opportunities open for the music, film, and another creative sector.

If you are participating in Data Week Part 2 or LAILAC, please join the presentation or have an informal chat at the social dinner. Thanks to KU-Leuven and the Big Data Value Association for the organisation and invitation.

Daniel Antal
Daniel Antal