Invitation for an open collaboration

Digital Music Observatory | Listen Local Slovakia


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Presentation outline

  • Part I: Daniel Antal, CFA introduces the OpenMuse project [general aims, methodology, work packages], and our offering to Slovak CCSI stakeholders.
  • Part II: Mária Kmety Barteková, PhD our offering for indicator design and creation, methodology, timeline, quality control.
  • Part III: Questions and identification of partners and data sources.

Part I: Slovakia as the best practice

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Part I: OpenMuse offering


  • WP1 Slovak creators, including music creators, should earn as much as the European average. Their income should level up to German and Finnish levels.

  • WP2 Slovak people should find good Slovak music in Lithuania on Spotify, YouTube and the radio. Foreign labels must not increase their market share and colonize the local creative ecosystem.

  • WP3 Correctly attributing the environmental and social benefits (and costs) of music.

  • WP4 Making sure that big data and AI works for all. Tap into open data, linked open data, bring the creative sectors to the web 3.0.

Offering Tools

  • Smart policy documents
  • Dashboards
  • Open source software

Bridging the data gap

Data gaps are illusorty

  • Open Data Directive
  • Survey recycling

Harmonized data collecton

Survey recycling

Sampling big data

Open Data Directive

Read more: Open Data - The Gold Without the Rush

Offering methodology

  • Open Policy Analysis, “Live Policy Documents”
  • Slovak music market share
  • Indicator design and high-quality, reproducible indicator creation


AI & Data Policies

Trustworthy AI, trustworthy data in culture

  • Is the algorithm cheating? ➡️ trustworthy AI policy, enabling courts, competition and consumer protection agencies to protect the Slovak CCIs
  • Is the algorithm learning from bad data? ➡️ national heritage policy, consolidate Slovak CCI data as linked, open data, and sync it daily with the world.
  • Can we ask for 20% Slovak music in radio, television, YouTube or Spotify?
 - European AI regulation and ethics, music AI, 
 - non-discriminiation and fair remuneration for 
 Slovakia's creators.
 - Smart and future proof local content and media 
 regulation, music export, cultural heritage. 

 - The policy brief itself expressed as a resource, 
   not a static file that is once finished and downloaded.
 - It is an educational document in itself, it is 
 self-refreshing with data, legal and policy texts
 - We educate policy-makers and music professionals
 to talk, write and think about AI in a smart way.

Part II: Indicators

Open Policy Analysis

Role of Cultural Policy Makers

  • Define the needs within the cultural policymaking in Slovakia
  • Share already collected data about the cultural entities (from music industry)
  • Assess the proposed music industry indicators

Indicators: example

  • Type and extent of side jobs among Slovak musicians
  • Average number of copyright protected works and neighboring rights protected recordings per musician

Indicators: side job

  • Define a side job. Develop a strategy to ask or measure it correctly.
  • Characterize the side job (which other [creative] industry has the performance)
  • Divide it with the correct number of musicians.

Indicators: copyrights

  • Define a musician. What type of intellectual property a musician has?
  • Develop a strategy to ask/measure the number of works/recordings per musician.
  • Develop a strategy to count/measure number of musicians.
  • Divide works/recordings with the number of musicians

Who shall we ask?

  • We would like to involve all relevant policy stakeholders: ministry, parliament, NGOs, government organizations
  • The Open Policy Analysis allows the involvement of citizens, individual experts, small organizations.

Invitation for an open collaboration

Click for Contacts: Digital Music Observatory | Listen Local Lithuania | LaLa for Artists | Lala for Fans | Open Policy Analysis

Potential Extra Slides

Trustworthy AI

Human agency and oversight | Technical Robustness and Safety | Human agency and oversight | Privacy and Data Governance | Transparency | Diversity, Non-Discrimination and Fairness | Societal and Environmental Well-Being