iotables: Integrate Data from Reliable Statistical Sources for Economic and Environmental Impact Analysis

The 0.9.1 version of iotables is available on CRAN and Zenodo

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Download iotables

The iotables R package is an open-source, scientifically validated package that collects and integrates data from reliable statistical sources and performs economic and environmental impact analysis. It is the backbone of our connected financial-sustainability reporting tool, Eviota, because it can analyze the value chains of 64 industries in every European country for free. It is your starting point to calculate employment, tax, or greenhouse gas multipliers for various policy actions in your country.

The 0.9.1 version of iotables was released today on CRAN. This new minor release contains a bug fix reported by a user and some documentation improvements. Check out our product page and our examples.
# From CRAN:

# From Github (development version)

# with vignettes:
devtools::install_github("rOpenGov/iotables", build_vignettes: TRUE)

The iotables tool has hundreds of technical and professional users in the world. We know that it is not for the faint heart. In 2022 we started the development of a tool that will create impact assessments for small companies or civil society organizations without the need to learn and use R.

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