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Jump directly to the work packages:

  1. WP Project Coordination
  2. WP Sustainability
  3. WP Survey Recyclying
  4. WP Heritage Reuse
  5. WP Big Data & AI That Works for Everyone

Or click next for the conceptual overview »

Short Conceptual Video

WP Project Coordination

1. Reprex aims to coordinate this project with a dedicated, experienced Creative Europe project manager who is familiar with the music and audiovisual creation.

2. Because of the project size and subsidy rate (60%) every partner must contribute to financing WP Project Coordination in proportion to their effective subsidies.

WP Sustainability

  1. Extend the usability of Eviota (a Scope 2-3 music ESG reporting tool) and GreenEyes (Scope 1 film ESG reporting tool) to work with music, film, books, and publishing.

  2. Introduce these new methods to business school and vocational training courses.

  3. Get regulatory approval to use in the context of the green finance package.

WP Survey Recycling

  1. Utilize the survey harmonization and recycling tools developed in music to be available for film, television, photography, and book publishing users.

  2. Extend harmonized question banks, and remove interoperability and semantic barriers to reuse data from previous audience and policy surveys for these CCSIs.

  3. Subsidize the initial costs in use to transfer from non-reusable market research to reusable, collaborative market research.

WP Heritage Reuse

  1. Utilize the best practices from music archives, film archives, and private photography archives to remove copyright law, ethical, interoperability, and semantic barriers to mix archival/heritage and new content in music, film, and photography (including in books.)

  2. Create a special-purpose record label and audiovisual distributor that specializes in difficult, out-of-commerce/archival/commercial derivative work distribution on global streaming platforms.

  3. Build a best practice for the legal and ethical public performance of derivative works that are made from archival/heritage (which were not deposited with the intent to be commercially used or widely circulated) and new creations.

WP AI & Big Data That Works For Everyone

  1. Utilize the best practices from data feminism, music, and film distribution of niche, marginalized content, and create a general framework that reduces inequalities created by lower data representation (of women, small countries, small languages) that result in new injustice on algorithmic platforms. See publication.

  2. Build new music, film, and photography information services that reduce the data imbalances, and make small language (for example, Estonian) or historically underrepresented (for example, female artists) more likely to be recommended by AI-driven algorithmic platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, or Amazon.

  3. Create open source solutions and open knowledge that enables small, independent music, documentary, photography, and book publishers to build audiences, and monetize content with big data and AI algorithms that work for everyone, not only male artists, English language content, and mainstream works.


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LinkedIn: Daniel Antal | Reprex